The smoke generated from burning dung keeps flies, mosquitoes and other pest away. Cow dung can be smoked for 8 to 10 hours at a stretch. You can also keep the smoke going on for a much longer period provided you keep adding a piece of dried dung and fresh dung at 2 to 3 hours interval. Practice will make you perfect.
Simmer the sarsaparilla and licorice root in the quart of water for about 45 minutes. DO NOT BOIL – it brings out bitter principles. Add the Stevia leaf or teabags and simmer for 15 minutes longer.
You will need the following plants, all of which contain poisons that you can taste: a head of lettuce (taste the leaves and the core separately), some black or green tea (unbrewed), a fresh dandelion leaf, strong chamomile tea (steep it overnight), a can of asparagus, some fresh mint, a spoonful of mustard seeds, and a bottle of vanilla extract.
Most of the chemicals and Herbal Medicine prove ineffective in controlling the flies. Even if they do work, most of them are a deadly combination of chemicals or herbs.
I began to get healthy lifestyle changes me about food and nutrition, I immediately noticed a change my attitude. I think I have something to give, I 62 years of good and bad experience can be used as a resource for my children, grandchildren, I come into contact with people. , not just what you eat is what. Nutritional intake plays the largest role, your health and good nutrition is no certain unwholesome tendencies.
One of our body’s defenses against airborne contamination, and that includes viruses and bacteria, is to cough it up or blow it out. If your body is giving your mind messages that say. “there’s something in here that doesn’t belong,” you need to listen and do something about it. Suppressing your natural defenses puts you at odds with your immune system and your immune system is your first line of defense against all diseases, including colds and flu.
All of these herbs can be found in health food stores and some drug stores and supermarkets. Tinctures generally work best, but most are also availble in pill or capsule form.
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