Click on your account on the top left side of your game. Visit options and opt to switch off boss animated graphics. VoilĂ ! No more missing boss sequences!
Collecting Your Monsters
You can pick up summoners war hack 2015 your beast and put them where you desire by zooming in and going it to hold typically the monster. Then you get it to where you want it to be!
Do not Neglect Your two to three Star Monsters!
Many people when they start the sport, often think that typically the natural 2 legend monsters are mostly ineffective and way a lesser amount of valuable than, point out, the natural four to five star monsters. This is not always the case! Here are a few examples of 2 legend monsters (there usually are way more) you should keep and use!
Blowing wind Warbear (Ramagos) - This bear, any time awakened, can alone dungeons for you in addition to train your fodder units. It can also have hard in the area. The 3rd skill Clear Shot can offer tons of damage. Rune him well along with full HP% runes and you will have a great unit that will help you get the stronger monsters!
Water Garuda (Konamiya) - The ability to make an best friend get another switch + attack buff makes him a superb support. He can likewise cleanse your whole team + stun a enemy.
Water Howl (Lulu) - The woman can dispel unsafe effects and team heal. One of the best two star healers!
Wind Pixie (Shannon) -- Her attack plus defense buff is extremely valuable in Cairos Dungeons!
Fire Harpu (Colleen) - Her strike buff is several turns and almost everlasting when max skilled. Use her otherwise you starter healer. She can also reduce the assault power of boss things, which is super valuable.
Wind Griffon (Bernard) - The attack and defense debuff + speed plus attack bar increase is too good to up. He is an excellent addition to the team.
Water Magic Knight(Lapis) : The first good normal water monster you will get following the completion of Mt. Siz usual. She is your to move monster for gardening Faimon normal together with hard without having to put money into other monsters like Raoq.
I can just on with the listing, but the point is that you simply make sure to read their skills and see them! Often times they are useful and will help you out!
reference :
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